when someone talk about oneself we almost always talk about how good, or how bad we are. It seems that to most people, perception precede personality,in other words, its the perception of others that created the personality. Wouldn't that mean that your life is actually dictate by others?
To be honest, I consider myself being a chameleon, changing my personalities, myself even to suits those around me, to fit in. Sometime I feel lost, as in I do not know who I really am. But the fear of loosing people around me, the fear of being alone always lingers inside me. And that has become my personality, to not have a real selves. Some might see it as being flexible, others see it as cowardly.
So are we being ourselves?
or we're just a mass, with traits, governed by others?
Think about it
yap..that's true dude..kamu flexible..=)
cis.. nasz ni ada di mana2.. siap dah ada comment kat sini..
nasirah adalah orang kuning..
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