Friday, November 7, 2008

Of history, humiliation and self discovery.

Someone once told me that to write well you have to write what you know. This is what I know. I am 21 years old and I have never really fallen in love. A geek to the core, most of my childhood years were spent doing extra homework that I have personally requested from the teacher. High School was more of the same. Then, at college it seems as if my luck was about to change. The girl that I was madly in crush with asked me out on a date. But it turns out that she dated with me as part of a cruel joke. And I've never fully recovered. Yes, It is embarrassing to share this with the world. But it would be hard to explain what I learn, or how I learn it, without sharing this humiliating history. And so i did an observation of my own, my first as a new person, to find out about college life today. What I ended finding was myself, and that, life, never change. There's still that one lecturer who marches to his own drummer. Those girls are still there, the ones that, even as you grow up, will remain the most beautiful girls you have ever seen close up. The smart kids, who everyone else knew as 'the brains,' but I just knew them as my soul mates, my teachers, my friends. And there's still that one girl who seems so perfect in every way. The girl I get up and go to class for in the morning. College would have not have been the same without her. I have would not be the same without her. I lived a lifetime of regret after my first college experience, and now, after my second my regrets are down to one. A certain someone was hurt on my path to self discovery. And, although this article may serve as a step. It is in no way made up to what I did to that person. To this person, you know who you are. For now, I could only say 


B@drul said...

sape tu heh?? aku nak tau jugak...:P

Zarul said...

x leh..

sebab wallet kite sama :P

none above said...

la~bgtau la aku sebab wallet x same~woha

Anonymous said...

ahaa~ move on and start over. that mr optimistic for ya. ahaks~